Wednesday, August 23, 2006

That's me on the left.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

My First Baptism

Sunday after worship our entire church along with friends and family took a trip to Leavitt Beach for a baptism. We had seven candidates four of which are part of our youth ministry! It was my first opportunity to assist/perform a baptism, when I was baptising the two teenagers I could barely choke out any words. It was a beautiful day! I will post some pics as soon as my wife sends them to this computer.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


soulfest 2006 was AWESOME! i am totally exhausted but it was so worth it. i think the hightlight of the week for me was rushing the stage for chris tomlin and third day as well as henry saying that it's cool to be a pastor. our group was great and i definitely think that our teens and young adults were brought closer together through the fellowship. praise the Lord!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Dinger #1 and Dinger #2

I finally hit a homerun last night at the softball game! Actually I hit two, but not in consecutive at bats. We played a double header and won both. I actually batted 1.000 in both games. For the first time our team hit seven homeruns in a game. After the seventh homerun they count as outs. We were actually looking forward to taking an out but the games only go seven innings... Oh well.