Friday, June 23, 2006

Journal on paper? Who, me?

Well I guess in the interest of not forgetting how to write in pencil I have been doing some actual journaling in my journal. I guess the motivation is for my kids or whoever to actually be able to see my thoughts written out somewhere and not floating around in the great and vast digital void of the world wide web. But either way I thought it only fair to update my very sad blog since my last post was like February!

I would love to be able to write in here about how great things are and how I am so blessed with where God has put me in his grand plan... but I would be lying. Right now things are not great, and though I completely trust my Lord to plan my steps it seems that the path is just going through a briar patch right now. The only way to put how I feel in words is this:
I have been pushed into the deep end of the pool and I just don't feel like swimming.