Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Clarity = More Confusion

What is clarity anyways? I stand in a hallway full of open doors. The last thing I want to do is sit down and pout. Unfortunately that is where I am. "Life's not fair. It's not supposed to be like this, blah, blah, blah..." I am faced with a decision: Do I shut the doors on my own thusly choosing to invest everything where I am currently, or do I take a flying leap into the unknown? Some might say that this is a poor time for me to be contemplating these things, this has historically been a bad time of year for me. I think there is some truth to that but I can't escape the fact that this has been going on for far too long.

The truth is I wish someone would just tell me what to do. You can think I'm a chicken now, go ahead.

I have been given a work to do. God's calling on my life is sure, but my training is incomplete. I want to grow into all that God has in mind for me to be, I want to fulfill His design for my life. And like it or not I think that it's possible that it may be time for me to move to the next step of my development.


At 11:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. Not sure what your options are and it seems clear that you are praying consistently about these possible decisions. Obviously that is the most important thing here...but another important step in decision making is "seeking wise counsel". You may or may not be doing this already, but from reading your blog it seems like all these thoughts are just boiling inside your own brain and its driving you crazy.

Unfortunately..your "wise counsel" might have to be someone that you don't really want 'in' on all of this. I'm not sure. Find someone who you know will give you un-biased opinions and get some outside thoughts.

Just my two cents:)

At 8:19 PM, Blogger Brian Vinson said...

You still alive around there?


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