Friday, February 16, 2007

The question of the day: Why?

I don't think I will ever understand why all of this is happening right now. Why is it that at times when I am feeling down and more than a little discouraged with ministry life here that there are so many opportunities to go somewhere else? I would like to think that it might be a little clearer when God calls me to move. Really having never left one position of ministry for another I guess I shouldn't pretend that I know what to expect. What bothers me the most about all of this is that instead of looking at all of these opportunities that have been put in front of me and being excited about what God might be trying to do THROUGH me I get horribly discouraged and ask what is God trying to do TO me. I'm pretty sure that's not exactly what He had in mind but that is my reaction and I think that it makes me not very much fun to be around. It seems that it's only when I forget about all these things that I can relax and have fun but they are so pressing on my mind and heart that I just can't seem to shake it.


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