Monday, August 29, 2005


So here is the "Village Wise Guy" blowing the Shophar signalling the end of the Jerusalem Marketplace. Actually it's just me goofing around at VBS! We had an awesome time and an experiance those kids aren't likely to soon forget. All week long the kids had been following the last week of Jesus' ministry here on earth and on the last day they learned of his ressurection. The last thing we did every day was to get all the kids together and sing some Hebrew songs and on Day 5 Jesus showed up! Actually it was one of our young adults dressed up like Jesus but I will never forget one of the little girls running up to her tribe leader and saying "It's Jesus! Jesus touched my head!" What a way to bring the Bible to life for those kids. It was a truly remarkable experience.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Vacation Bible School

Well this week we are having a VBS at the church. We are using Group's Jerusalem Marketplace curriculum. We had our first night last night and it was great. It rained real hard for the last 45 minutes of it or so but all of the kids and workers took it in stride. Praise God for good attitudes and great kids!