Tuesday, November 14, 2006

A Different Perspective

This weekend was very eye-opening for me. Our Pastor was away so one of our elders got the chance to preach. He is a former Pastor who drives over an hour to come to church here! When I first heard the topic of Pastor John's sermon I was pretty excited. (You're probably thinking "who gets excited about sermons?") "Combatting Complaining" was the title. My thought was "Go get 'em Tiger!" The reality of the thing was that the tiger turned on me. I told Pastor John afterwards that he, in my opinion, was supposed to be preaching to the rest of the people not to me! I say that only half joking because reality lies at the bottom of that joke. Have I so deceived myself into thinking that how I am approaching the problems we are facing in our situation now is the right and only way and everyone else involved is wrong?!? When did I become right all the time all of a sudden? Just when I thought Pastor John was going to nail the nay-sayers the whole thing turned on me. I have been complaining about how things have gone down and decisions others have made all the while forgetting that God is in control and His will is going to be done whether or not I approve. I am responsible before God for ME and that's it. I will not have to answer for anyone else's decisions especially those in authority over me. I will be responsible for what I have done, thought and taught to others because I am a teacher but I will never have to answer for anyone else's mistakes or fears or sins. I am responsible for my reaction to others mistakes and fears and sins and this is where my sword needs sharpening.


At 9:44 AM, Blogger Brian Vinson said...



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