Monday, July 25, 2005

New House?

So my family and I may be moving. The church that I work for has a large parsonage just up the street from the church building itself. The house is a four bedroom with a garage and around three acres of hardwood forest. The idea for us moving in came about as a way for the church to save some money out of the monthly budget by exchanging housing for some cash. The idea seemed to be off and running until our last congregational meeting. Some people put up a stink about my financial contribution not being high enough. Good thing it's not a congregational decision! Either way I have been assured that we will be moving in there, probably next month. The best part of the deal is that we would be able to hold Youth Group in the basement of the parsonage instead of at the church. There is a semifinished basement with enough room for about 35-40 kids (if you stack them about three high!) We will also be able to use the woods for challenge course obstacles and such, which is my favorite thing! I hope to include some pics of the house so we can do some before and after stuff. 'Till then...


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